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كيف تبدأ مشروعًا تجاريًا لألعاب الأركيد

Starting an arcade game business is an exciting venture with the potential for significant monthly revenues. The key factors influencing success include location, scale, and the variety of games offered. Join us as we explore the nuances of this dynamic industry and learn how to navigate the landscape effectively.

Be sure to read on for our guide to learn the steps and tips you need to know about How To Start An Arcade Game Business.

كيف تبدأ مشروعًا تجاريًا لألعاب الأركيد 1

نصائح: إذا كنت لا تعرف ما هي الأجهزة التي يجب اختيارها لمركز الألعاب الخاص بك أو لا تعرف كيفية تخطيط مكانك, يمكنك الاتصال بنا. نحن نقدم خدمات الحل وقفة واحدة للأماكن بجميع أحجامها. من اختيار المنتج إلى تخطيط آلة المكان, يمكننا أن نفعل ذلك لك في خطوة واحدة!

خطوة 1: Market Research and Business Plan

Analyze arcade game market trends and competitors

Are you considering How To Start An Arcade Game Business? Analyzing arcade game market trends and competitors is a crucial first step!In this industry, market competition is fierce, so it is crucial to understand the competitors in your area. Analyzing their arcade operation methods, product types, and their strengths and weaknesses is a key step in developing a successful marketing strategy. By gaining a deep understanding of your competitors, you can optimize your arcade’s game lineup and attract more target customer groups, thereby gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

Local Store Discovery

  • Local Store Discovery:Find all the arcades in your target area, whether they are large chains, independent boutiques, or even bowling alleys with arcade sections. We map them all. Understand the perspective of your ideal customers (families, teenagers, and esports enthusiasts) and analyze your competitorsproducts.

Understand the operating model

  • أنواع اللعبة:Research what types of arcade games your competitors offer.
  • Atmosphere and experience:Evaluate the atmosphere and experience characteristics of the venue. Is it family-friendly, edgy, or focused on esports?
  • Consumption: Analyze their pricing strategies for individual games, hourly rates, and special packages. Consider whether they offer competitive or unique options to meet the needs of different players.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

  • Competitive advantage analysis: Explore what makes a specific competitor unique, perhaps the originality of the game selection, innovative themes, or excellent customer service.
  • Weakness analysis: Identify the shortcomings of competitors. It may be a limited range of games, outdated equipment, or inconvenient location, which are potential breakthroughs you can exploit.

تطوير خطة عمل, بما في ذلك السوق المستهدفة, service content, and profit model

Target market: Determine your target customer group, such as age group, interests, and spending habits. Arcade games often appeal to young people and nostalgic people.

Service content: Determine the services you will provide, including game types, equipment selection and other entertainment options (such as food and beverage services).

Revenue model: Common revenue models include admission fees, time-based rental of gaming equipment, food and beverage sales, special events and sponsorship cooperation. Choose a revenue method that suits your business model.

نصائح: Common profit model types

Bar Street: Mainly based on classic arcades, and earn revenue through private parties and food and beverages. If your business plan does not include a heavy reliance on food, alcohol, and activities, please do not open these arcades.

Family Entertainment Center:Provide a variety of games and attractions, مثل redemption arcades, racing arcades, shooting arcades, VR arcades, إلخ., and even cooperate with آلات بيع حلوى القطن, إلخ.

Modern Redemption Arcade:Mainly based on ticket redemption games and direct prize sales machines (such as claw machines), which can directly obtain gifts or redeem gifts through tickets.

خطوة 2: Solve the licensing dilemma

The types of licenses and permits will vary depending on the type of arcade you want to open and the region of the country you are in. You will need to check with your state’s agencies before you can open. If you plan to serve alcohol or food, you will need additional licenses and inspections to ensure your arcade is up to code and kept clean.

خطوة 3: Determine the venue and decoration

Find a suitable venue, considering parking and foot traffic

It is important to choose a location with convenient transportation and high foot traffic. Consider the impact of parking convenience on customers, as well as rental costs and surrounding competition.

Design the interior to create an attractive atmosphere and comfortable space

The atmosphere and spatial layout of the arcade are crucial to the customer experience. Design an attractive interior style while ensuring comfortable seating and gaming equipment layout to maximize space utilization and customer comfort.

خطوة 4: Gaming Equipment Procurement and Layout Design

Determine the type and quantity of gaming equipment

Based on the needs of your target customers, determine the type and quantity of gaming equipment required. Choose popular gaming equipment and ensure that its quality and performance meet the requirements. But before that, you need to find an arcade manufacturer with price advantages and reliable product quality. As China’s top arcade manufacturer, Funspace is very suitable as your first choice.

Design a reasonable layout and space planning

Design a reasonable layout and space planning to create a comfortable and attractive atmosphere for customers. Consider the distance and available space between equipment, and the regional distinction between different types of products so that customers can move freely and enjoy the gaming experience.

نصائح: إذا كنت لا تعرف ما هي الأجهزة التي يجب اختيارها لمركز الألعاب الخاص بك أو لا تعرف كيفية تخطيط مكانك, أنت تستطيع اتصل بنا. نحن نقدم خدمات الحل وقفة واحدة للأماكن بجميع أحجامها. من اختيار المنتج إلى تخطيط آلة المكان, يمكننا أن نفعل ذلك لك في خطوة واحدة! ولدينا مجموعة متنوعة من مراكز الألعاب ذات الطابع الخاص للاختيار من بينها, مثل متاجر موضوعات آلة المخلب, مراكز ألعاب الأركيد, حدائق الواقع الافتراضي, إلخ. عليك فقط أن تخبرنا بما تريد, واترك الباقي لنا!

خطوة 5: استراتيجية الترويج والتسويق

يعد تطوير استراتيجية تسويقية فعالة أمرًا ضروريًا لأولئك الذين يتطلعون إلى تعلم كيفية بدء مشروع تجاري لألعاب الأركيد. تطوير قناة متعددة, استراتيجية تسويقية مبتكرة لزيادة الوعي والجاذبية. استخدم الإعلانات على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي, مواقع الويب, والقنوات غير المتصلة بالإنترنت لجذب المزيد من العملاء المحتملين. تشغيل العروض الترويجية مثل القسائم, أحداث خاصة, أو مسابقات لزيادة مشاركة العملاء وولائهم.

خطوة 6: تقديم تجربة خدمة رائعة

توظيف وتدريب فريق محترف لتقديم جودة عالية, خدمة ودية. يجب أن يتمتع الموظفون بمعرفة جيدة باللعبة ومهارات تواصل, and be able to help customers solve problems and provide game suggestions. Carefully manage operational details, including equipment maintenance, inventory management, and order processing. Continue to pay attention to customer feedback and market changes, and continuously optimize service experience to improve customer satisfaction and reputation.

خطوة 7: Continuous Innovation and Development

For those interested in How To Start An Arcade Game Business, it’s important to continuously pay attention to new industry trends and seek cooperation opportunities!

Pay attention to new industry trends

Keep your customers interested and engaged by updating gaming equipment and introducing new gaming content at any time.

Seek cooperation opportunities

Cooperate with high-quality arcade equipment suppliers, المشاركة في المعارض والفعاليات الصناعية, وتوسيع تأثير علامتك التجارية وشبكة أعمالك.

كم يكلف فتح الممرات

ستختلف تكلفة فتح الممرات بشكل كبير اعتمادًا على عدة عوامل:

  • نوع الممرات
  • موقع المكان
  • نوع الألعاب للاستثمار فيها
  • أي بلد تختاره لمصنعي الممرات
  • رسوم التصاريح والترخيص

إذا كنت ترغب في فتح رواق صغير, ستكون تكاليفك أقل بكثير من تكلفة الممرات الكبيرة (مثل ديف وباستر). يمكن أن تكلف الأروقة الكبيرة ملايين الدولارات, في حين أن متوسط ​​تكلفة الممرات الصغيرة عادة ما يكون أقل من $300,000 (باستثناء تكاليف البناء). عند فتح الممرات, الجزء الأغلى هو الألعاب نفسها, والتي قد تستهلك أكثر من نصف ميزانيتك. لذلك, it is very necessary to choose an arcade manufacturer with good quality and affordable prices. الصين, as the leading country in the arcade industry, is very suitable because our products are not only of good quality, but also generally 40%-50% lower than those in other countries, and Funspace, as the top arcade manufacturer in China, is even more so! فضلاً عن ذلك, you also need to allocate your budget reasonably, including purchasing computers, system equipment, hiring employees, paying rent and other expenses.

How much money do arcade games make?

بشكل عام, the average monthly revenue of an arcade varies greatly, تتراوح من $5,000 ل $40,000. This variation depends on factors such as location, مقاس, and the types of games offered. We can dig deeper into specific cases to better understand the potential reasons for the difference in revenue.

Case 1: Small arcade in rural area

The operating revenue of an arcade depends mainly on the game fees, which average $0.50 per game. عادة, each game is played about 200 times per month, so the expected monthly revenue per game is about $100. على سبيل المثال, an arcade with 50 games can expect a total monthly revenue of about $5,000.

Case 2: Fashionable arcade in the city

The economic revenue of an arcade depends mainly on the game fees, which average between $0.50 و $1.00 per game. عادة, each game is played about 400 times per month, so the expected monthly revenue per game is about $200 ل $400. على سبيل المثال, if an arcade has about 100 ألعاب, the expected gaming revenue range is $20,000 ل $40,000, not including additional services.

This arcade may be located in a busy downtown area that attracts many local residents and tourists. It offers a variety of game types, including new high-tech games as well as classic nostalgic games.

فضلاً عن ذلك, the arcade may also increase revenue through other means, such as snack bars, merchandise sales, and even private events, which can significantly increase overall revenue.

Case 3: Top-notch arcade with additional entertainment facilities

This high-end venue is not only an arcade, but it is located in a prime location such as a busy shopping mall or tourist area. With the latest virtual reality games, e-sports arenas and other high-tech entertainment facilities, it has become a preferred destination for gamers and enthusiasts.

In addition to the advanced game selection, this arcade may also offer a variety of other entertainment services, such as virtual reality experiences, laser tag games, escape rooms, and even a bar designed for adult players, thereby increasing the price of each game or experience.

Games and experiences here charge between $1.00 و $5.00, and each station or game is used approximately 500 times per month. Based on these estimates, each unit can generate between $500 و $2,500 in revenue per month. If an arcade has approximately 50 high-tech games or experiences, then the venue can easily make $25,000 ل $125,000 per month from games alone, with additional revenue from other services and purchases.

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قوانغتشو FunSpace Technology CO.,LTD.
هاتف: +86-18011735497
واتس اب:008618011735497
بريد إلكتروني: sales@fun-space.com
عنوان: رقم 42-1، طريق شيشين,
منطقة بانيو,قوانغتشو,الصين
وقت العمل: 8:30-18:00(توقيت بكين)