Driving Arcade

Driving Arcade is a type of arcade game designed to simulate the driving experience. These games typically use dedicated driving simulator devices, allowing players to control a virtual vehicle using controls such as a steering wheel, pedali, and gear levers. Divided into Arcade Car Simulator E Arcade Motorcycle Racing Game, you can enjoy the exciting racing of both racing and motorcycle series at the same time!

Games usually provide a variety of different driving modes and track options. Players can choose to participate in racing competitions, chase modes, or free driving.

Advantages of Funspace’s Driving Arcade

Stability and durability: Equipment is typically built with high-quality materials and components to ensure the stability and durability of the device. These devices undergo rigorous testing and quality control to ensure reliability over long periods of use.

Accurate physics simulation: The game focuses on physics simulation to achieve a realistic driving experience. Controllers such as the device’s steering wheel, pedali, and gear levers are precisely tuned to provide accurate feedback and response, allowing players to feel the details and operations of driving more realistically.

Our service:We focus on customer service and satisfaction. Provide comprehensive pre-sales consultation, technical support and after-sales service to ensure that customers receive help and solve problems during use and maintenance. We are committed to providing an exceptional customer experience and support, ensuring satisfied and happy customers.

Features Of Arcade Driving

Snocross Motorcycle Racing Arcade Game Main Image2

Realistic Driving Arcade Simulation

Although Arcade Driving games are more entertainment-oriented, they usually offer a certain level of realistic driving simulation. Players can experience driving elements such as vehicle acceleration, braking and steering to increase the realism of the game.

Diverse Tracks And Scenes

The game provides a variety of tracks and scenes to choose from. Players can drive in various environments, come le strade cittadine, mountain roads or racing tracks, and enjoy the changes in different terrains and scenery.

6 GdF 3 Immagine principale del simulatore di corse sullo schermo11
Manx TT Super Bike Motorcycle Arcade Game Main Image3

Social Interaction

Many driving arcade games allow players to play multiplayer games with other players. This social interaction adds to the fun and competitive nature of the game, allowing players to compete with friends or against players from around the world through online mode.

A proposito di Funspace

Guangzhou FunSpace Technology Co., Ltd. è il fornitore unico di macchine arcade e distributore automatico. Fondato nel 2008, con cui collaboriamo 3000 partner del parco divertimenti, centro commerciale, FEC, società di noleggio, ecc con servizi professionali di progettazione, pianificazione e produzione, 24h servizio post-vendita.

Essendo gli unici fornitori di giochi a gettoni con un team post-vendita online completo 24 ore su 24, ci assicuriamo di supportare e aiutare i clienti in diversi paesi! FunSpace è impegnato a costruire il marchio leader mondiale di divertimenti divertenti e alla moda&prodotto in vendita!

Why Choose Funspace Arcade Driving?

Esperienza ricca

Funspace ha 15 anni di esperienza nel settore dei videogiochi arcade e dei distributori automatici

Qualità affidabile

Controllare rigorosamente la qualità dei prodotti e i processi di ispezione per garantire che i prodotti siano durevoli e soddisfino gli standard di sicurezza.

Servizio perfetto

Fornire una gamma completa di servizi, compresa la consulenza aziendale, progettazione personalizzata, orientamento formativo e 24 ore di servizio post-vendita.

Buona reputazione

FunSpace ha un'eccellente reputazione nel settore, servire oltre 3,000 clienti ed è un punto di fiducia, fornitore collaudato.

Il nostro cliente

Non hai trovato quello che stavi cercando? Contattaci per ulteriori prodotti disponibili!

Guangzhou FunSpace Technology CO.,LTD.
Telefono: +86-18011735497
E-mail: sales@fun-space.com
Indirizzo: NO.42-1,Shixin Road,
Distretto di Panyu,Guangzhou,Cina
Tempo di lavoro: 8:30-18:00(Ora di Pechino)
