Venue management system

Digital operation, easy to improve efficiency and income

Distributore automatico di cambio gettoni touch screen

The touch screen token exchange vending machine integrates touch screen technology with coin exchange functions, accepting coins, banconote, credit cards, and mobile payments, while also featuring remote software support.

Ticket House Mangiabiglietti a tre lati

This cheap Ticket Eater has three operating ports, which improves the efficiency of use. Allo stesso tempo, it has many bright spots and can bring you more benefits


Guangzhou FunSpace Technology CO.,LTD.
Telefono: +86-18011735497
Indirizzo: NO.42-1,Shixin Road,
Distretto di Panyu,Guangzhou,Cina
Tempo di lavoro: 8:30-18:00(Ora di Pechino)