Casa/Sala giochi per bambini/Sala giochi per bambini/26-macchina da gioco di corse per bambini Fire Car Arcade da pollici

Fire car racing

26-macchina da gioco di corse per bambini Fire Car Arcade da pollici

Punto di vendita

Parametri del prodotto

  • Nome: Fire car racing
  • Struttura: Legnosità
  • Number of Players : Single play
  • Energia: 110-220V 160W


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Product Video

Descrizione del prodotto

Welcome to the world of Kids Racing Game Machine ! Questa console di gioco è appositamente progettata per i giovani appassionati di corse per far loro provare il divertimento della guida. Let’s take a look at its selling points:

  • Primo, the cool exterior design will immediately attract children’s attention. It is made of cool post paper material, which gives people a sense of fashion, allowing children to feel a different experience in the game.
  • In secondo luogo, the high-definition display brings realistic game images, making children feel as if they are in a real racing scene. They can feel the thrill of speed and the passion of racing.
  • Third, the steering wheel is beautiful in shape and ergonomically designed, allowing children to easily control the direction in the game and enjoy the fun of driving.
  • Fourth, the seat is soft and comfortable, providing children with a comfortable gaming experience. Whether it’s a long game or intense competition, kids can sit comfortably and enjoy the Game to the fullest.
  • Fifth, the simulated pedals allow children to truly feel the joy of driving. They can step on the pedal, accelerate the sprint, experience the thrill of speed and the joy of manipulation.
  • Finalmente, the high-quality coin mechanism ensures the stability and durability of the gaming machine. It’s made of high-quality materials that can stand up to hours of use and coin-operating by kids, ensuring durability and reliability of the Game Machine.

IL Kids Racing Game Machine is not just an entertainment device, it can also develop children’s reflexes, hand-eye coordination and sense of competition. By simulating a real racing experience, children can exercise their driving skills and decision-making ability.


Come giocare

  1. Get on the Kids Racing Game Machine
  2. Inserisci le monete
  3. Accelera il veicolo con il pedale destro e usa il volante per controllare la direzione.
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3D Immagine principale del gioco arcade di corse dinamiche1

3D Gioco arcade di corse dinamiche

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Guangzhou FunSpace Technology CO.,LTD.
Telefono: +86-18011735497
Indirizzo: NO.42-1,Shixin Road,
Distretto di Panyu,Guangzhou,Cina
Tempo di lavoro: 8:30-18:00(Ora di Pechino)
