Гоночный игровой автомат

Play drift and compete at extreme speed

3D Динамические гонки: аркадная игра

This 3D Dynamic Racing Arcade Game is equipped with a real driving system and dynamic platform, supports multi-player online play, and is equipped with a large screen and 3D glasses to provide the best racing driving experience. It also has an emergency pause button to ensure player safety.

5DX Мотоциклетная аркадная игра

This is a two-player motorcycle arcade game equipped with a 42-inch large LCD screen and stereo sound. The most important thing is a dynamic platform that allows you to experience the most realistic motorcycle driving experience!

Аркадный автомат Manx TT Superbike

This motorcycle arcade game is a racing arcade with ManxTT Super Bike as the game content. Not only is it durable, but it also comes with a large high-definition screen and stereo speakers to enhance gaming immersion.

2 Аркадная игра «Вождение автомобиля»

This new two-player racing arcade machine uses yellow as the main color, is equipped with LED lighting, and has a 42-inch high-definition LCD large screen to provide a clear and smooth gaming experience. It is equipped with a high-quality coin acceptor and supports single and connected modes. , allowing players to fully enjoy the fun of racing games.

Суперкар Гоночный аркадный автомат

Super Car — это новая гоночная аркадная машина с большим 26-дюймовым экраном, обеспечивающая четкую и реалистичную игровую графику., может переключаться между первой и третьей перспективой, имеет классный свет и динамичную музыку, и изготовлен из экологически чистых материалов.

Связаться с нами

Гуанчжоу FunSpace Technology CO., LTD..
Телефон: +86-18011735497
Электронная почта: sales@fun-space.com
Адрес: № 42-1, улица Шиксин,
Паньюйский район,Гуанчжоу,Китай
Рабочее время: 8:30-18:00(Пекинское время)