Arcade Car Racing Machine

Arcade Car Racing Machine is a 出售賽車街機, which is widely found in game arcades, entertainment centers and some home entertainment venues. They provide an immersive racing experience that allows players to feel the thrill of speed and competition, while also providing a way to relax and have fun. It is an enjoyable gaming option for both racing enthusiasts and casual gamers.

Advantages of Funspace’s Arcade Car Racing Machine

High-Quality Equipment: Using purpose-built driving simulator equipment that has been carefully designed and tested, Funspace’s arcade machines provide a high-quality driving simulation experience. These devices are stable and durable and can accurately simulate driving controls, allowing players to immerse themselves in a realistic racing experience.

Customer customization and updates: In order to meet the needs of different customers, game consoles usually have customer customization and update functions. The game hall or entertainment center can choose different racing cars, tracks and modes as needed, and update game content and functions in a timely manner to keep the game fresh and attractive.

價格實惠: As a manufacturer of gaming consoles, the factory direct sales model enables it to offer more competitive prices. By cutting out the middleman and dealing directly with customers, Arcade Car Racing Machine can offer lower prices, allowing customers to purchase high-quality gaming equipment at a more affordable price.

Features Of Arcade Car Racing Machine


Realistic Driving Experience

It provides an immersive driving experience with its specially designed driving simulator equipment. Players can feel the real acceleration, braking and steering operations of the vehicle, bringing a realistic and exciting racing feeling.

Diverse Racing Options

This game machine provides diverse racing options, including various types of vehicles, such as sports cars, racing cars, and karts. Each racing car has unique capabilities and characteristics, providing players with different driving experiences and challenges.

6 自由度 3 Screen Racing Simulator Main Image11
Dynamic Flying Car Driving Arcade Game Main Image2

Diverse Tracks

Arcade Car Racing Machine also provides diverse tracks and environments, such as city streets, mountain roads, and racing tracks. Each track is known for its unique design and challenge, providing players with an exciting and varied driving experience.

About Funspace

廣州趣空間科技有限公司, 有限公司. 是一站式解決方案街機供應商和自動販賣機供應商. 成立於 2008, 我們合作 3000 遊樂園的夥伴, 購物中心, 前向糾錯, 租賃公司, 等專業設計服務, 企劃及製作, 24h 售後服務.

作為唯一擁有完整24小時在線售後團隊的投幣遊戲供應商, 我們確保支持並幫助不同國家的客戶! FunSpace致力於打造全球趣味時尚遊樂領導品牌&自動販賣產品!

Why Choose Funspace Arcade Car Racing Machine?


趣空間有 15 years of experience in the arcade game machine and vending machine industry




提供全方位的服務, 包括商業諮詢, 客製化設計, 培訓指導和 24 售後服務時間.


FunSpace在業界擁有極佳的聲譽, 服務於 3,000 是客戶值得信賴的, 經過驗證的供應商.

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