This Mech warrior Capsule Prize Machine can accommodate capsules with a diameter of 115mm. It is easy to operate and has intelligent sensing voice function and adjustable probability.
Remember the joy of picking up your first doll?
This Mech warrior Capsule Prize Machine can accommodate capsules with a diameter of 115mm. It is easy to operate and has intelligent sensing voice function and adjustable probability.
這是英式切繩爪機, which is easy to operate and can also play music
這是一台以太空小貓為主題的毛絨玩具抓娃娃機. 它非常現代. 它有四種顏色可供選擇: 藍色的, 黃色的, 紫色的, 和紅色. 酷炫的LED燈色與夾娃娃機的主題顏色一致。.
This is a claw machine with the theme of anime cat girl, 而且外面的塗鴉也很酷. 有 5 可選顏色,給您更多選擇!
這是一款全透明的夾娃娃機遊戲機. 可以清楚看到娃娃從展示櫃到出口的整個過程, 這很新奇.
新的夾娃娃機街機遊戲在機器上安裝了呼吸燈, 隨著時間的推移會改變顏色, 非常酷!
魔幻之星是一款4人版街機夾娃娃機. 機器內部主要分為 4 禮物放置區. 你可以用糖果填滿它們, 玩具或獎品, 可以自由搭配.
This affordable Crazy Toy 2 Claw Machine is covered in lights, durable and can be manually adjusted for success.
這是最新的街機爪自動販賣機, with a lucky cat design theme. It is available in three basic colors of pink, 藍色的, 和黃色, and also provides customized services.
這款人形夾娃娃機是一款真人大小的夾娃娃機,玩法新穎. 遊戲中, 你需要成為一隻爪子, 被機器隨身攜帶, 並沉浸在獎金池中. You need to do your best to grab the gift and get it back from the machine.