
Play drift and compete at extreme speed

超級自行車 2 街機遊戲

Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Super Bikes 2 Arcade Game with Hi-Def graphics, 10 新曲目, and customizable bikes in thrilling locations around the world.


這是 Outrun Arcade Machine 的兩人版本. 你可以選擇不同的賽車和賽道,和朋友一起體驗.


這是一款新推出的汽車駕駛街機遊戲. 遊戲中, 你可以從海量的跑車中選擇你最喜歡的賽車,選擇各種驚險刺激的賽道. 你需要躲避遊戲中的各種障礙,獲得遊戲中的第一名!

3D 動態賽車街機遊戲

這款3D動態賽車街機遊戲配備了真實的駕駛系統和動態平台, 支援多人線上對戰, 並配備大螢幕和3D眼鏡,提供最佳的賽車駕駛體驗. 它還具有緊急暫停按鈕,以確保玩家安全.

5DX 機車街機遊戲

This is a two-player motorcycle arcade game equipped with a 42-inch large LCD screen and stereo sound. The most important thing is a dynamic platform that allows you to experience the most realistic motorcycle driving experience!

Manx TT 超級機車街機

This motorcycle arcade game is a racing arcade with ManxTT Super Bike as the game content. Not only is it durable, but it also comes with a large high-definition screen and stereo speakers to enhance gaming immersion.

2 玩家汽車駕駛​​街機遊戲

這款新型兩人賽車街機採用黃色作為主色調, 配備LED照明, 並擁有42吋高清液晶大屏,提供清晰流暢的遊戲體驗. 配備高品質投幣器,支援單機和連機模式. , 讓玩家充分享受賽車遊戲的樂趣.


Super Car is a new Racing Arcade Machine that uses a 26-inch large screen to provide clear and realistic game graphics, can switch between the first and third perspectives, has cool lights and dynamic music, and is made of environmentally friendly materials.


電話: +86-18011735497
電子郵件: sales@fun-space.com
地址: 市新路42-1號,
工作時間: 8:30-18:00(北京時間)