This contton candy vending machine can produce up to 72 shapes of contton candy to meet your various shape needs!
We offer customized exterior design to make your contton candy vending machine unique. 您可以選擇形狀, 顏色, material and pattern of the case.
We can customize the payment collection method of the contton candy vending machine according to your needs. 是否為投幣器, 鈔票分配器或卡片支付, ETC.
If you are thinking of starting your contton candy vending machine business, we will be your most trustworthy partner, please contact us for more information!
廣州趣空間科技有限公司, 有限公司. 是街機遊戲機、自動販賣機產業一站式解決方案提供商. 成立於 2008, 我們合作 3000 遊樂園的夥伴, 購物中心, 前向糾錯, 租賃公司, 等專業設計服務, 企劃及製作, 24h 售後服務.
作為唯一擁有完整24小時在線售後團隊的製造商, 我們確保支持並幫助不同國家的客戶! FunSpace致力於打造全球趣味時尚遊樂領導品牌&自動販賣產品!
趣空間有 15 years of experience in the arcade game machine and vending machine industry
提供全方位的服務, 包括商業諮詢, 客製化設計, 培訓指導和 24 售後服務時間.
FunSpace在業界擁有極佳的聲譽, 服務於 3,000 是客戶值得信賴的, 經過驗證的供應商.
Our products go through a series of strict production processes to ensure that the products that reach your hands are of the highest quality and durable!
Customers from all over the world are full of praise for our contton candy vending machines, no matter the taste or shape.