럭키볼 교환기

2022 bird background Doodle Double gift mouth Rocker coin operated Lucky Ball Redemption Machine

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스팸 금지, 신제품에 대한 알림만, 업데이트.

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레인보우 캐슬 티켓 교환기 메인 이미지1

레인보우 캐슬 티켓 교환기

This is a ticket redemption machine with a completely new gameplay. After starting up, a large number of plastic balls will fall from the top, and you need to catch them and put them into the two entrances to get points and lottery tickets. Suitable for 1 에게 3 사람들.

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아머 드라이브 경품 상환 게임 메인 이미지1

Armor Drive 상품 상환 게임

This is an Armor Drive Prize Redemption Games with a novel gameplay. You need to turn the steering wheel to control the basket in the machine to move left and right to catch the falling ball to score points. 게임이 끝나면, you can get gifts based on the score.

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광저우 FunSpace Technology CO.,LTD.
핸드폰: +86-18011735497
이메일: sales@fun-space.com
주소: NO.42-1, Shixin Road,
근무 시간: 8:30-18:00(베이징 시간)